Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008

They're Dead


They’re already dead. And still I know they’re here, watching me. People, many of them can’t understand how I can be that easy without my eternal beloved and my son. The truth is – I still have them. They’re all in my heart, and one day, we’ll all be united again, meeting in our home.

There’s no pressure of time. No one needs to go. We’re all happy and content to be together, not a family, but so much more.

This is something I delight in. It keeps me at peace when I go to bed, knowing that there’s nobody anymore to comfort me if I can’t sleep. Well, not in person. But in my mind and soul, they're still there, and I still love them so much. One day it will all be well again. Wait for me. I won’t take long.

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